Regular maintenance and management programme
Our technicians will cover any issues during regular visits to ensure that your business has a stable IT environment that you can use with confidence. In addition our telephone support remote log-on service can quickly resolve those “panic” situations.
Strategic IT development planning
With an ever-changing market place it is difficult to know whether you are making the right investment decisions in IT for your business now and in the future. CSP will work with you to develop an IT strategy that reflects your needs and future directions.
Anti-virus support and IT security maintenance
CSP keep all your anti-virus and IT communication systems secure and up-to-date with monitored backups.
Procurement and installation of all IT equipment
CSP are on hand to discuss your requirements, advise on solutions and supply, install and maintain your equipment. Repairs and upgrades for all types of IT equipment undertaken.
Networking, servers and communications
Good communications are essential. Networking and server management are a speciality of CSP together with internet, email and broadband applications.
Technology workshops and training
CSP are able to run workshops for businesses to enable them to share ideas and solutions. We can also provide one to one training on request. Being a registered Microsoft Partner CSP are able to support our clients with all day-today software.